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Extreme Anal Compilation 17 AVN 2011


blogger powers said...

GAME OVER FOR JOSEPH DONATO WE ANONYMOUS HAVE IT ALL A SOURCE TOLD US HE IS IN LOVE WITH TERRY STEVENS,SELL DRUGS METH TO KIDS,LEFT HIS FIRST WIFE TO DIE TOOK HER MEDS FROM HER AND LAUGHED AT HER,HE IS GAY AND HIS PARTNER TERRY MOLEST KIDS HAVE CHILD PORN...IF VINNIE OCEANS HIS UNCLE FINDS OUT AND HIS FIRST WIFE BROTHER MICHAEL HE BE IN DEEP TROUBLE..TERRY AND HE HAS CHILDREN NUDE PHOTOS...HE COULD NOT PAY MEMBERS MONEY HE OWED TO THEM CAUSE HIS NEW WIFE THAT DIVORCED HIM WOULD NOT GO WHORING FOR HIM ANYMORE..HE BEATED HER AND FRAMED HER A WITNESS STATED CAUSE HER TO GO TO JAIL SHE WAS A BIG STAR USE BE HER WEBSITES SHUT DOWN CAUSE OF MONEY PROBLEMS...IF HIS FAMILY KNEW HE DOING ILLEGAL STUFF-BEATING WOMEN AND LIES THATS HES NOT GAY BUT THERE PROOF PHOTOS...ANONYMOUS HAS ALL LEAKS . METH IS DEADLY CAN KILL, IT MAKE PEOPLE GET OLD-GO CRAZY. VINCENT PALMEMO VINNIE OCEAN THE MOB BOSS HAD 5 MILLION CASH IN HIS YAYCT THAT FBI RAIDED GOT IN NEW JERSEY,HOW DID THY KNOW WELL JOSEPH DONATO GOT MAD AT HIS UNCLE AND SNITCHED ON HIM...VINNIE OCEAN DONT KNOW ALL OF THIS...HE WAS MAD AT HIM cause he would not give him money to do stuff with..kristeans donato died cause joseph donato would not give her the medicines she needed ...joseph donato pays the cops off in nevada and judges if the fbi knows this soon they break nevada ass fast come there his address was mountain meadows lane 6977 las vegas nv 89164 LOCK HIM UP SOON IN NEVADA ALSO GET HIS UNCLE WHOM CAN CONFESS THAT HE DID NOT KNOW THIS AND THE BROTHER IN LAW...VINCENT PALERMO WENT TO JAIL 5 years cause of joseph donato snitching on him,,,he placed the gun in shawna edwards hands someone saw another snitch was looking no one saw he drugged her she was a fame porn star that he beated up and controlled also made her look crazy,well i heard shes learning to read and write also use computers and i heard from a source her dad very ill...joseph donato family need to give shawna edwards her rights back soon and royalties he stole from her alot of money she made and drugged her badly almost killed her that why she was on the streets hungry and ran into a guy home terry stevens she fell down and they framed her placed a gun on her but she was doses out for they drugged her and she saw the photos - it all she did not tell.

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